Our Strength is in our Values
/While skill and experience are key indicators of success, even the most skilled, experienced employees can flounder if they work where the values or culture clashes with their own. Or if they’re confused by what is expected of them. Here at A&O, we express our culture and values with a unique Formula for Success, so every employee understands their distinctive contribution to the team from the very first day on the job.
Celebrating Christmas together at Buffalo Lanes
Relationships (R)
We believe that a company is founded on outside relationships, between our team and our clients, and inside relationships, between the members of our teams. With our clients, we strive to be timely, communicative, and build long-lasting partnerships. Within our company, we strive to create a family atmosphere where we support one another.
We achieve both with:
Monday meetings where we explore various topics to help us be better employees and better employers.
Regular progress meetings with clients, making sure to update them on all changes and developments.
Monthly events to give our team time to connect with one another.
Open communication with clients.
Weekly meetings with department managers so everyone is always on the same page.
Trust (T)
Inspecting the Emerald Isle Bridge
This is the most important piece of our motto, the glue that holds everything else together. Our clients cannot have successful relationships with us if they do not trust us. And our teams cannot work together if they are worried other members can’t complete their parts of a project. Without trust, no other element of our motto is possible.
To help foster trust:
We finish what we promised to do on time, putting in the extra hours if necessary to reach the deadline.
We provide the highest quality work possible.
We communicate clearly if something unforeseen happens, revising schedules and seeking help if necessary.
Teamwork (T)
For A&O, everything is a team exercise, from marketing to bridge inspection. While being able to work independently is essential to doing our jobs, we know that the best work is done with feedback, or with other people to watch our backs. Teamwork is essential to a job well done, and part of teamwork is completing individual tasks on the team.
Another part of teamwork is being flexible, taking on other jobs as necessary. A team supports all its members, and that means individuals taking on the extra load if needed. At A&O, there is no such thing as a “typical day,” since no one does the same job day after day.
Servant attitudes (S)
Glenn and Dana Going the extra mile in the office
As a Christian workplace, we strive to emulate our Lord Jesus Christ. We have been called to serve one another (Mark 9:35). As such, our team puts the needs of others above our own. We put in that extra mile to create something excellent rather than just “good enough.” That may involve coming in a little earlier, or leaving a little later, or going over our “check every box” method to confirm results one more time. This practice has helped us achieve our reputation for doing the best job, the first time. For example, we have completed projects such as Raven Rock Pedestrian Bridge with no change orders throughout the entire process.
Stewardship (S)
We are called to be stewards of the earth. Being a good steward is more than reducing waste; it’s also about conserving and protecting what we are given. For instance, we incorporate design methods such as stormwater control measures on projects where it’s possible to sustain the natural environment, while controlling erosion and stormwater drainage.
Our dedication to Stewardship is another reason we are willing to dig deeper to find the best answers, and to seek out innovation, rather than continuing to use solutions that have become outdated. We expect our team to improve and learn about new, enhanced techniques whenever possible.
Excellence (E)
The outcome of this kind of a culture is excellence. A team that knows the value of hard work, takes the time to never stop learning, works together for the best answers, listens to and trusts one another, and strives to give their clients the best possible solutions.
If you think this describes you, we’d love to see how you fit into the A&O family!
R + T2 + S2 = E