Pope Army Airfield
Culvert Repair
After an emergency request from TCP Concrete Construction, Alpha & Omega Group provided structural engineering services to repair the failed culvert underneath Bravo Taxiway on Pope Army Airfield at Fort Bragg, North Carolina.
The top slab of the existing culvert failed during the subgrade proofrolling operation as repairs were being made to the existing taxiway pavement.
The two-barrel cast-in-place reinforced concrete box culvert (RCBC) is 9’H x 9’W. The taxiway pavement structure originally consisted of 20 feet of reinforced concrete and a minimum of 8 feet of compacted drainage stone placed directly on top of the existing RCBC. The estimated total pavement structure section thickness is 3-feet-6-feet thick. The taxiway pavement is 75 feet wide with 25-foot paved asphalt shoulders for a total width of travel way of 125 feet. Ω
- Client:
Pope Army Airfield - Location:
Fort Bragg, NC - Prime consultant:
TCP Concrete Construction - Contact:
Terry Byrd
Commercial Concrete Contractors
919-639-7700 - Start/completion: 10/2014 – 1/2015
- Project fee:
$4,360 - Project manager:
Glenn Zeblo, PE
- Culvert repair design
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