Alpha & Omega Group, as a consultant to WithersRavenel, provided professional engineering services to design modifications of three roadway bridges on Murrow Blvd. and Summit Street.

 For the two bridges on Murrow Blvd., A&O designed an NCDOT-approved concrete barrier, faced with natural stone, to separate the pedestrian and bicycle pathway from vehicle traffic. A&O added an additional asphalt to the bridge deck to achieve the required width and cross slope for pedestrian use. The team also added pedestrian railings for safety along the edge of the bridges and a chain link protective screen to prevent access to the railroad below.

The modifications for the third bridge, along Summit Ave. over Murrow Blvd, included widening the existing sidewalks from five feet to 17 feet and modification to the existing concrete end blocks of the three-bar metal railing to meet ADA requirements. A&O analyzed the existing bridge superstructure for strength and deflection for the additional deadloads, while changing the vehicular loading by reducing the number of travel lanes on all three bridges.

A&O used hydrodemolition to expose deck reinforcing for structural connection of the concrete barrier rails to the bridge decks. Ω

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