Yates Mill and Crowder Park
Boardwalk and Observation Deck Repair
Alpha & Omega Group was selected to provide structural services to repair a boardwalk and two observation decks for two parks in Wake County.
- Client:
Wake County Facilities Design & Construction - Location:
Raleigh and Apex, NC - Contact:
Paulo Lopez
Project Manager
Wake County FD&C
(919) 856-6351 - Professional fees:
$23,894 - Constructon cost
$228,856 - Project manager:
Ted Bartelt, PE
- Structural assessment
- Decking replacement design
- Rail replacement design
- Structural repairs
- Construction documents
- Specifications
- Cost estimates
- Construction administration
- Construction observation
In 2023, A&O conducted inspections of Yate Mill Park’s observation deck as well as an observation deck and timber boardwalk in the nearby Crowder Park. The inspection revealed that the boardwalk was not able to support Crowder Park’s maintenance vehicle, and the rails of both observation decks needed improvements. Wake County requested that A&O design the repairs and replacements for both Crowder and Yates Mill Park.
Most of the A&O team’s efforts were focused on Crowder Park. They performed a structural analysis to determine the boardwalk’s load carrying capacity, reviewed existing data and documents, and provided a report. Once the preliminary work was done, the team designed the replacement of the timber decking of the boardwalk and observation deck with composite materials and the rails with chain link fabric. In Yates Mill Park, the team designed new timber rails for their observation deck. The rail replacements in both parks were designed for birdability, allowing visitors using wheelchairs clear vantage points to birdwatch. A&O provided construction documents, specifications, and a cost estimate for both parks. During the construction phase, they assisted with bidding, provided construction administration and observation, attended site meetings, and performed close out services. Ω