American Tobacco Trail
Bridge Inspection and Load Rating Analysis
Alpha & Omega Group (A&O) provided a routine in-service field inspection, load rating analysis and report preparation for three pedestrian bridges that form a part of the American Tobacco Trail in Wake County. Our engineers performed hands-on, routine, visual field inspections, observing the condition of the bridges, measuring and recording dimensions and any deficiencies, as well as determining the safe live load capacity of all three bridges.
- Client:
Wake County GSA Facility & Field Services - Location:
Wake County, NC - Services provided:
Bridge inspection, reports and laod rating - Subconsultant:
None - Contact:
Rick Stogner, PE, CEM, BEP
Wake County GSA
Facility & Field Services Director
(919) 870-4025 - Project cost:
$9,540 - Start/completion:
At the conclusion of our inspection, we provided a complete written report of the field inspection with load rating analysis, structure photos, and sketches. This report included our maintenance and repair recommendations, and a priority schedule of recommended repairs, categorized as preventative, special or prompt action.