Carolina Pines Boardwalk
City of Raleigh
As a subconsultant to Lochner, Alpha & Omega Group prepared plans and specifications for a pedestrian bridge and boardwalk to be constructed across Carolina Pines Lake, adjacent to Carolina Pines Avenue.
Our work was part of a roadway improvement project for the City of Raleigh. A multi-use path was being extended by spanning the lake with the bridge and boardwalk, as a cost-effective alternative to redesign the existing dam. The boardwalk design was positioned beyond the toe of the dam to avoid structural impact to the dam. Our conceptual plan included three 95-foot main pre-engineered spans and six 15- foot boardwalk spans for a total length of about 375 feet.
A&O reviewed existing drawings of the dam to set the low chord of the bridge/boardwalk three feet above the normal water surface for future inspections. The structure was also set away from the toe of the dam and the principal spillway. We designed substructure components for the pre-engineered bridge and boardwalk to connect bridge components to the multi-use path. We included bridge/ boardwalk plan and profile, substructure, piling, typical sections, and details in our construction documents. Finally, we developed project specifications and a cost estimate. Ω
- Client:
City of Raleigh - Location:
Raleigh, NC - Prime consultant:
Lochner - Contact:
Brian Dehlar, PE
Senior Project Manager
919-571-7111 ext 44304 - Project fee: $18,350
- Start / completion:
11/2019 – 3/2021 - Project manager:
Michael Young, PE
- Pedestrian bridge design
- Boardwalk design
- Substructure component design
- Construction documents
- Engineer's opinion of probable cost